Rachel wants to be able to do everything by herself and to help us whenever she can. This is a sweet gesture, but her help could be classified as less than helpful. She got a new Let it Go (Frozen) poster on her wall and loves to just sit and look at it.
David continues to eat, sleep, and grow. We wish he would sleep a little longer at night, but we are getting there. He is spending a little more time awake during the day which has been another adjustment.
Monday 22nd - Rachel, David , and I took a little stroll in the morning over to Holiday so I could get a drink, and everyone could get out of the house. We stopped by the park on the way back so Rachel could play. In the afternoon, we all got naps. John came home, and we enjoyed a relaxing evening. A friend of ours from the ward was so nice and brought us dinner. It was very tasty.
Tuesday 23rd - Rachel and I tried to head to John's parent's to hang out with everyone, but it took us a while to get there. Rachel was having a very hard morning, and didn't want to wear pants. Once we got that sorted out, we headed over, only to have Rachel continue to be ornery, so we had to leave a little early. John came home as soon as he could to help out for the evening. We worked on getting everyone to bed early, so we could go to bed as well.
Wednesday 24th - The main event of Wednesday was a trip to the doctor for David. His belly button wasn't looking great, and when I called the doctor, they wanted to see him, so we took a trip in. Everything is fine, but we are keeping an eye on it. John was supposed to tutor, but his student canceled on him after he got to the place where they were meeting. He was not happy. He did get to come home earlier, and we hung out in the evening.
Thursday 25th - David was starting to get bored of just sitting, so I had to hold him a lot. This didn't make Rachel very happy, so it made for a fun day. After John got home, we got the kids in bed, and tried to get some rest.
Friday 26th - It was the same general story during the day. I did work on cleaning the house while the kids where asleep for the first time all week. After John got home, we went to Zupas for dinner with Jeremy and Heather and their boys. Before we went, Rachel and Logan had a blast playing in our patio, and Heather was so nice to go out with them. Dinner was really tasty. We also went to Baskin Robins for desert. Rachel had a lot of fun eating our ice cream using the sample spoons they give out. They had to leave to get the boys home, so we finished up, headed home, and went to bed.
Saturday 27th - John got up really early to go for a run with his family. Originally he was supposed to run 12 miles, but it turned into 14. It was down a canyon, so he started feeling really sore after. Jeremy came over to shower at our place so he didn't have to go back to Lehi for a short time. In the afternoon, John and Jeremy went with John's other brothers to go throw discs while everyone else took naps. John ran and got a haircut after. Once he got back from that, we went for a short drive to look at some neighborhoods to see if we could find any for rent signs. We found one complex, but are hoping to find something a little better. We went home, and Kevin and Kindra came over for dinner. We made breakfast for them. It was really yummy. After they left, we got ready for bed, and tried to get some sleep.
Sunday 28th - David woke up too early, and Rachel woke up shortly thereafter. John took Rachel out to the front room to keep her happy and get her breakfast while I sat with David and got ready for the day. John worked on our part for family dinner, and got ready. He and Rachel headed out to church, while David and I tried to get naps. Shortly after they left, though, David threw up and I had to clean it up. We both got short naps after that before John and Rachel returned home. After they got back, we packed up and headed over to family dinner. After family dinner, we returned home and while Rachel was in the bath we FaceTimed with my mom. We got Rachel to bed, and our friends Becca and Joe came over to help us break in our new copy of Towers of Babel (which they had given us for our birthdays). Joe destroyed all of us and John and I didn't do very well due to the new aspect of the game. After they went home, we headed to bed.
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic.
Monday, June 29, 2015
June 15th - June 21st
Rachel loves Frozen. Really, that feels like that is all that needs to be said. She would watch it 10 times a day if we let her, and she has figured out how to pull it up on our phones and iPad. It is getting a little bit ridiculous. She manages to push her boundaries as far as she can, but she always comes back for loves when she gets in trouble.
David continues to grow. At his 2 week appointment he weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces which is 30th percentile, his height is now 21 inches which is 60th percentile, and his head is 30th percentile. He eats, sleeps, and eats some more. John says he sure is squirmy. He likes being swaddled in a blanket as long as you don't trap his arms.
Monday 15th - John and my mom got up early for a six mile run. After they got back, they each got ready and had to leave. My mom headed out to her conference in Provo later in the morning, but it was sad to see her go. Rachel had a bit of a hard day, so I had to spend a lot of time comforting her and David. John hurried home from work so that he could help me out, and we got to bed as quickly as we could. My mom stayed down in Provo for the night because her conference went so late and started early the next morning.
Tuesday 16th - Rachel, David, and I hung out at home while John was at work. Frozen is starting to get a little old. John thought he was going to tutor after work, but his student texted him 40 minutes before they were supposed to meet to cancel. He wasn't very happy. He did get to come home, though, which was really nice. My mom had to take another teacher from the conference to the airport, so she got back to our place a little late. We had dinner and put Rachel down to bed, and then my mom offered to stay with the kids so that we could go get a treat together. So, we ran over to Arctic Circle a quick treat, and then headed home to go to bed.
Wednesday 17th - My mom was super nice and kept David in her room with her through the night so we could sleep a little better. Unfortunately this made for a long night for her, so she and John didn't go running. David and I each had doctor's appointments during the day, so we were away from home for a while. David is doing well, but the doctor's want to do an ultra-sound on his hips just in case since he was breech. He weighs 8 lbs, 2 oz, and is 21 inches tall. He is a lot smaller on the charts than Rachel was, which is weird to us. My appointment went well, and I found out that I can do a few more things than I was originally told. So, now I can carry David in his carseat, and pick up Rachel if I need to. After we finished with appointments, we headed home so Rachel could get her nap, and we all ended up getting a nap. John tutored after work, and grabbed some dinner for us on his way home since I had had a craving for KFC. After we ate, my mom, Rachel, and I had to go back out to run a few quick errands. Once we got back from that, my mom gave Rachel a bath, and we watched McFarland, which was great. It was a lot longer than we thought, so we got to bed really late.
Thursday 18th - Happy Anniversary to us! My mom had to leave early in the morning. It was sad to see her go. I am so grateful that she was able to come and help so much. Before she left we made a quick run to the gas station for a drink hoping that the trip out of the house would make Rachel happier. Later, John's mom was able to come to help me out. I got to take a shower and get ready for the day which is always really nice. It was fun chatting with her. After John got home we went out with the kids for our anniversary. We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and it was really yummy.
Friday 19th - The morning was pretty simple. Rachel, David, and I hung out at home. John was able to come home a little early. After he got home, he watched the kids so I could go and run some errands. After I got home, we put Rachel to bed and got things as ready as we could for Saturday.
Saturday 20th - John woke up really early and went for a 10 mile run. I got up really early and got ready so we could leave for the Kidd family reunion once John got back. We got away a bit later than we hoped, but managed to get to the reunion before too late. Rachel had a blast running around and playing in the playground. Later when the water slide arrived, she had a blast playing in the water. All the ladies enjoyed holding David. I left for a little bit in the middle so I could go and get some books signed by my mom's favorite author. John spent a bit of the time I was gone helping grill up the chicken with his brothers. We hung out for a bit and had the family auction (I got a nice new quad) and then it ended. We packed up the car and drove around Logan a little bit to see how things had changed and also so Rachel could get a bit of a nap. We then met up with Scott and Ashley, two of our good friends from Logan for dinner. We went to Beehive grill, and it was a lot of fun. After dinner we drove home. I fell asleep part way home, Rachel fell asleep shortly after me, and David was asleep from the start. John didn't fall asleep ;) After we got home, we moved Rachel to her bed and unpacked some stuff.
Sunday 21st - Happy Father's Day! I got up early to make John some breakfast and keep track of the kids so he could sleep. John and Rachel got ready and headed out to Stake Conference, where they met up with Brandon and Stacie. David and I stayed home and got some rest. After John got back, Rachel crashed from all of the activity the day before. She slept for three and a half hours. David and I slept as well, and John played on his computer for a bit. During Rachel's nap, the missionaries came by. They weren't able to give us a message last week, so they came by to do it today. Interestingly, it was two completely new missionaries. They seemed really nice and shared a short message with us. After They left and Rachel woke up, we headed to John's parents to visit and wish John's dad a Happy Father's Day. We had fun reading a book about personalities. We then headed home to eat dinner. After dinner we FaceTimed with my parents for a little bit, and relaxed for the rest of the evening.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
June 8th - June 14th
Rachel is definately 2. She is learning a lot, loves Frozen (to a point of ridiculousness), and is extremely stubborn. She throws a lot of fits, and we try our best to react appropriately to them. She is learning lots of new words, and we felt like we need some sort of commercial deal when she yelled out "Wal-Mart!" as we entered a parking lot.
David is a little boring. He just sleeps a lot. He is starting to sleep better at night, which is much appreciated by us. He is very cute, and we are excited for all that is to come.
Monday 8th- John and my mom were off on Monday, so it was a day of recovery for me. I was starting to feel a bit better, but still hurt quite a bit. John and my mom went for a short run in the morning over to the temple and back. John took Rachel after he got back over to Discount Tire to get the tires rotated on the Aveo. When he got back, Allison came over and took pictures of David while John took my siblings over to my aunt's house. After he got back, we got Rachel down for a nap, and then my mom and John both left. My mom had to go back over to my aunt's to pick up my siblings after they had had a couple of hours, and John went to help his brother and sister-in-law move. After my mom got back, the dinner that someone from the ward arrived in the form of Pizza Hut. Since we had more people than they were planning, my mom ran to grab an extra pizza from Little Caesars. John had to leave the move a little early so he could come home and eat dinner and help with the kids. We got everyone to bed, and went to bed ourselves.
Tuesday 9th- John had to go back to work, but my mom was still here to help me all day. My mom and I went for a walk in the morning, which I think helped me feel a lot better (beginning Wednesday). We then went over to Target so my mom could return an item, and I could get some things I needed. We also took my siblings over to my Aunt's. John picked up Sierra on his way home so that she could help me on Wednesday and Thursday. After John got back, and we relaxed for the evening. Rachel's favorite nursery leader brought us dinner, which was very yummy.
Wednesday 10th- My mom had a conference that started that day. Sierra stayed and helped watch Rachel, which was really nice. My mom went to dinner after her conference with a couple of her fellow teachers, so she got back a bit late. After she got back, we got ready and headed to bed.
Thursday 11th- Sierra helped me so much by watching Rachel while my mom was gone. After my mom got back, we took a trip over to Kid-to-Kid looking for a table and chairs for Rachel, since I can't lift her up to our table. It was a bit of a tight ride, and took a bit longer than we anticipated, but we found what we needed! We hung out and had a relaxing evening.
Friday 12th- Friday was my mom's last day at her conference. Once she got back, we took Sierra over to my Aunt's house so she could have some fun time with her cousins. On our way back, we met John at Olive Garden. My mom had a bit of a budget for her conference, and since she was staying with us, she was able to use some of it to take us out to dinner. John and my mom loved their food, but unfortunately for me I forgot to ask them to not put in the peppers and onions, so I didn't like mine as much. John was secretly excited that he got lunch on Monday. After we finished, we went home so I could feed David, and then my mom and I ran to Walmart to try and get a few things. John put Rachel to bed, and after we got back we all headed to bed.
Saturday 13th- John and my mom went for a run early in the morning. Their route allowed my mom to cut her run a little shorter so that she could get ready to go home. John finished 10 miles with Chelsi and Brigitta. He said it was a bit tough as it was getting warm. After he got back, we got ready and headed to Kid-to-Kid and Walmart. At Kid-to-Kid, we sold a few items we don't need anymore, and found a couple things we needed. The big event happened at Walmart. We were trying to find Mcfarland for my mom (which they didn't have), but instead we found a 60" Sony smart TV that was almost $400 off the online retail price. We were starting to look for a TV, and this one fell within the budget we had set for ourselves. So, after a bit of deliberation, we decided to get it. Getting it home was fun, and John had to get some other items in order for it and our other items to fit on our entertainment center. It is really nice, but feels too big for our front room. Overall we like it a lot.
Sunday 14th- We relaxed in the morning until church. John took Rachel to church with him while I hung out with David at home. We laid on the couch and got a nap which was nice. After John got home, he started rushing to get dinner, which was breakfast, ready for the missionaries and Becca and Joe, who were all coming at 5. Dinner took a little longer than expected to be made, but it was delicious, and the missionaries appreciated getting a real breakfast. After they had to leave, Becca and Joe were super nice to help us clean up, and hang out for a bit. After they left, John's parents and Chelsi stopped by to visit us (well, mostly David
) and to pick up our old TV for Gloria's sewing room. My mom showed up a little after they did, and they left to go play games at John's brother's house. Rachel was having a rough evening, so we got her into bed as soon as we could. We hung out a bit, and then headed to bed.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
June 1st - June 7th
David is a beautiful baby boy. He likes to sleep... a lot. He also won't put his arms down like Rachel wouldn't when she was born. He is a lot better at eating than she was though. He hates being naked especially his legs.
Rachel loves Frozen to a point of ridiculousness. She continues to learn and is too smart for her own good. She also is testing all of her limits. We just love this age. She enjoys being a big sister to a point and that point is she is still getting the most attention.
Monday 1st - The final day of preparation. I went to the store for a couple last minute items. I then cleaned up the house from front to back and made sure everything was ready for Tuesday. John got home around five, and my mom and Sierra arrived around 6:15. After they arrived, my mom, Rachel, John, and myself went to take some last minute maternity photos out by the base of a canyon. We got some really cute ones, and Rachel loved throwing Rocks into the small stream. After we got home, Becca and Joe came over so that Joe could help John give me a blessing. After we finished that, we did some final preparations, and headed to bed.
Tuesday 2nd - John and I headed to the hospital early in the morning. We had to be there by 6:45 so they could start me on some things to help with the attempt at the inversion. My doctor arrived about an hour later, and the stomach abuse began shortly thereafter. The doctor tried for a bit to get David to flip, but he had wedged his bum down nicely, and couldn't be turned. Eventually we gave up and started on the next plans. The doctor suggested we could wait until I went into labor on my own to see if David would flip, but we didn't think there was much of a chance of that, plus my mom was here to help and wouldn't be able to help in a couple of weeks, so we decided to go ahead with the C-Section that day. My doctor was able to rearrange his schedule, so by 9 we were getting ready to have the baby.
Right before we went in, the anesthesiologist came in to talk to us about the different drugs I was going to get during the operation. He was a really nice guy. After that, we headed into the C-section room. In the C-section room, I had to lay with my arms out to both sides, and John was able to sit up by me. They gave him a big white jump-suite type thing to wear over his clothes. He felt like Baymax from Big Hero 6. They asked if either John or I wanted to see anything going on, and we both declined rather quickly. The operation was very weird. I could feel movement and pressure, but no sharp pains. Eventually, they pulled David out. John took lots of pictures while they cleaned him off, and I just had to sit there and watch. David weighed 7 pounds and 14 ounces. He was 19.5" tall. John got to hold him while they finished stitching me up, and then we got to back to our room.
We hung out in the delivery room for a few minutes, and then headed over to the maternity ward. David ate once before we moved over, and ate fairly well through the afternoon. My blood pressure and heart rate were really low throughout the afternoon as the loss of blood and narcotics affected me. I wasn't able to eat much lunch or dinner. John stayed to help through most of the afternoon, but ran home to get some lunch shortly after noon. After he came back, Brandon and Stacie came to visit us for a bit. It was nice to get to talk to them for a bit, and Stacie tried to wake David up so he could eat. After they left, my mom showed up with Rachel and Sierra. Rachel seemed to love David, and wanted to hold him. We got some really cute pictures of her sitting on John's lap helping hold David. We had to keep reminding her to be soft, but she did really well. Later after they left, John's parents came to see us as well. They were super sweet and brought me some roses for our room. It was great to get to talk to them as well.
After they left, we got ready for bed and tried to get some sleep. Unfortunately with my heart rate being so low, an alarm kept going off on the machine that monitors my vitals. I would page a nurse to come and shut it off, but it would reset itself after a short time, so I wasn't able to sleep very well through the night. David woke up and ate a few times, and John helped me most of the time but was dead to the world a couple of other times.
Wednesday 3rd - Wednesday was a day of mostly relaxing and trying to recuperate. I was able to get out of bed a little bit, and was encouraged to walk. John ran home in the morning to shower and get some breakfast, as well as picking up a few other items I had forgotten. He brought Rachel back with him, and my mom and Sierra followed shortly thereafter. Rachel was a little more concerned today, and kept telling us that David was sleeping, and that he needed to go back into his bed. When she started to get tired of being there, she, my mom, and Sierra headed back to our place. I was starting to get a bad headache from the medication, so David and I took naps while John did some work on a paper he is working on with one of his old professors. After we woke up, more family and friends came by to see us. John's parents came again and brought Chelsi and Brigitta along. Before they left, Tyler and Katie arrived. Everyone commented that David is very cute, but makes lots of little noises (sounds like Rachel again). It was so nice for everyone to come. By this time I was starting to feel rather lousy (not so nice when the drugs wear off). A couple more of our friends came by to see us (Kevin and Kindra, and Becca and Joe), but I'm afraid I wasn't much fun. David kept sleeping through their visit. After they left, John hung out with me for a few minutes, and then headed home. My mom spent the night with me so that John could get a good night's rest in a good bed as well as trying to keep Rachel from feeling like her parents had abandoned her.
Thursday 4th - My mom helped me get ready in the morning, but wouldn't give me my phone until I had eaten enough, gone for a walk, and was ready for the day (as much as I could be). John had gone on a 6 mile run in the morning, and had gotten ready at home. My mom was kind enough to run a couple errands for me, and after she got back, John brought Rachel and Sierra over so that they could see David and then leave with my mom as John was planning on staying for the rest of the day. I had a really bad headache that started shortly before John got to the hospital, but it only affected me when I was sitting up, or standing. We told our nurse who said it sounded like a spinal leak. She called the anesthesiologist, who said he believed it was possible much more than most who suspect it, but that it still didn't seem 100%, especially since I had such a small needle in my back. We decided to hold off on the procedure to fix it to see if things got better on their own. I was able to get a good nap, eat a decent amount, and drink enough caffeine that it got a lot better. David did pretty well during the day, but did have one concerning moment when he spit up a lot of what looked like amniotic fluid. We are glad he is getting it out of his lungs, but disturbed at the same time because it is gross. Allison Dexter came in the afternoon to take some pictures of David. She posted one on Friday that was so cute. We are going to get more done on Monday. Later, John had a tutoring appointment at 8 that he had to leave for, but he got things set up nicely for me while he was gone. After he got back, I fed David one more time, and we sent him over to the nursery so we could get some decent sleep.
Friday 5th - Today was a day of rest and recuperation. John helped me out with a few things in the morning, and then ran home quickly to shower and eat breakfast. After that, he came back over and my mom came by shortly after with Rachel and Sierra. Rachel wanted to kiss and hold David, but only for a short time. Later in the afternoon, John went home to watch Rachel while my mom went to the temple for my cousin's endowment session. John brought Rachel back over to the hospital after she woke up until my mom came by and got her to take her home. John stayed with me until a little after 8, when he and my mom switched again so that John could get one last good night's rest before David comes home.
Saturday 6th - This morning was the final morning at the hospital. John went for a run early, and then came over to hospital to be with me while they removed the staples, and then helped me get home. He also had to stop and get his TDaP before we went home. Our final nurse was really nice and took some pictures of us and went down with us as we left.
After we got home, John ran to WalMart and Costco to get some items we needed as well as my prescriptions. While he was gone, Gibson and my dad arrived. We hung out for a little while until I finally needed to take a nap. While I was gone, my parents left to go to dinner with my cousin. They were nice enough to take Rachel with them so I could rest and John could just watch David while I was sleeping. After I woke up, I fed David and John and I watched a movie. My parents got back home, and we hung out a little while longer before going to bed.
Sunday 7th - After a bit of a long night, we had a fairly good morning. My mom made me a nice breakfast, and made some for Rachel too. I was able to get a nap during the morning, and we put Rachel down for a little too as she was a bit tired. We ended up having to wake her up so that she could go to church with John. My mom helped me a lot while John was at church. After John got home, my visiting teacher dropped off some lasagna for dinner. After we finished dinner, my mom, Sierra, and Gibson left to go to my cousin's seminary graduation. John took Rachel for a walk because she was very upset when they left. After they got back, Rachel took a bath and headed to bed. Before she went to bed, she really wanted to sit on my lap, which was very sweet but a bit painful. We then hung out for a little bit and headed to bed, hoping for a good night.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Baby Boy Maternity Photo
We went out the day before I headed to the hospital and my mom took some awesome maternity photos for us.
Baby Boy 39 Weeks
How far along: 39 weeks
Baby size: Almost 8 pounds
Total weight gain/loss: +6 pound
Looking forward to: Having this baby
Dilated: 1 Centimeter
Baby Position: Breech
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